Lucky Pet
'It's Fish They're After'
TV / Print
ECD: Jonathan Beggs
CD: Lucas van Vuuren
AD: Karabo Makenna, Steve Tyler
ECD: Jonathan Beggs
CD: Lucas van Vuuren
AD: Karabo Makenna, Steve Tyler
CW: Gerhard Pretorius, Batandwa Alperstein
Director: Porteus Xandau
Production House: Golden Planes
Music Composer: Marcus Wormstorm
Audio: We Love JAM
Animation: Black Ginger
CG Supervisor - Darrin Hofmeyr
2D Animation - Sasha Perdigao
Clean Up and Paint - Thea de Klerk, Daoyi Lu
Backgrounds - Daoyi Lu, Thea de Klerk
Storyboard - Thea de Klerk
Compositing - Angelo Beciero, Chris Bekker
Flame- Marco Reposo de Barbosa, Eddie Addinall
3D - (People, cars cats etc.)
CG Animation - Andre de Villiers, Marthinus Wessels, Roberto Pita, Jac Hamman, Samantha Cutler
Modeling and Texturing - Roelof van Wyk, Hayden Barnett, Lani Greenhill
Director: Porteus Xandau
Production House: Golden Planes
Music Composer: Marcus Wormstorm
Audio: We Love JAM
Animation: Black Ginger
CG Supervisor - Darrin Hofmeyr
2D Animation - Sasha Perdigao
Clean Up and Paint - Thea de Klerk, Daoyi Lu
Backgrounds - Daoyi Lu, Thea de Klerk
Storyboard - Thea de Klerk
Compositing - Angelo Beciero, Chris Bekker
Flame- Marco Reposo de Barbosa, Eddie Addinall
3D - (People, cars cats etc.)
CG Animation - Andre de Villiers, Marthinus Wessels, Roberto Pita, Jac Hamman, Samantha Cutler
Modeling and Texturing - Roelof van Wyk, Hayden Barnett, Lani Greenhill