Design Indaba strives to bring about a better world through creativity. It believes that we have the ability
to look at the world around us and offer up viable solutions to improve it. By creating the right tangible
objects, we can help bring about the intangible, which changes lives. (Help a community to build a school
and you help build hope and pride.)
With this in mind, the 2012 Design Indaba campaign positions the modern designer as not just
a designer, but rather, an activist, a reformer, an agitator, a liberator. Someone who can harvest
peace, unity and happiness within a society.
This ideology is presented in the form of a manifesto for all creatives to adhere to as they go about
redefining the world around us. Ideas and creativity play an ever-increasing part in our daily lives;
the campaign’s manifesto – presented on TV and posters - reminds designers of their importance
and thus, their responsibilities. It also helps to inspire by making designers aware of the great
possibilities their actions can bring about.
Group Head: Lucas van Vuuren
Copywriters: Dale Winton, Annabel Slingsby
Design: Alex Hayn
Production: Isabella de Villiers
Account Manager: Masha Roginsky
Director: Craig Wessels
Producer: Magda Roets and Leo Smit
Creative Director: Gavin Coetzee
Animation: WickedPixels
Visual Effects: Wicked Pixels
Post: Wicked Pixels
DOP: Vicky Turpin
Film Servicing: Platypus
Audio: Resonate Audio